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Microsoft Dynamics GP (Archived)

Recurring "ghost" batch transactions

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One of my accounting users has been having an issue with recurring batches/transactions for a couple of months now.

 Part of this may be a process issue, but I wanted to rule out any thing I can try on the technical or database side.

She uses Integration Manager to bring over cash receipts.  As files are loaded, she then sees where the source file is corrupted by the transactions that error out in Dynamics.  She then fixes the source file, deletes the batches out of Dynamics and reruns the Integration. 

 She says she's been doing this for years without any issues.  Now, it seems that when she reloads the Integration, all those batches that she thought she deleted show up as "work", but there are no transactions behind them.  She can manually delete the batches, but whenever she loads a new batch or manually adds one, Those ghost batches show up again.

 I can see all the batches sitting out in the work tables RM10201,etc...  If I delete them, and then have her delete the batches from the application one last time, they stay gone.

 Our question is, why is this happening just now?  Is there something she should or should not be doing in this process.  If she continues to import/delete/fix/import, should she be running a check links or reconcile before the second import?  Or am I going to have to delete them from SQL before she reimports.



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  • Victoria Yudin Profile Picture
    Victoria Yudin 22,766 on at
    Re: Recurring "ghost" batch transactions


    It sounds like, for some reason, the transactions are not getting deleted correctly when the user goes to delete the unwanted batches.

    Some questions that might help troubleshoot:  What version and service pack of GP are you on?  Has anything changed in your GP setup?  Additional modules/products/customizations added?  GP or Windows security changes?  Network/server changes?  Are all transactions staying in the RM10201 table or just some?  (For example, if she imported 100 transactions, are there 100 records in RM10201 for that batch?)

    Can you try doing the same thing while logged in as 'sa'?  Does it still leave the transactions in the RM10201 table?

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