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Microsoft Dynamics GP (Archived)

Microsoft FRX 6.7 Error

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Posted on by Microsoft Employee


I selected a company as default on Microsoft FRX but after entering the password it gives this error

' This error occured while populating the Frl_entity table in the GLX database'

'FRX Egine failed to create GL index file'

How do i resolve this issue?


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  • Kevin Day Profile Picture
    Kevin Day 610 on at
    RE: Microsoft FRX 6.7 Error

    Just ran into this one as well and my solution was a bit different, but similar, so I thought I would share.

    The  GL40200 stores Segment Number, Value, Description (if you name them).  Somehow the guy that loaded the initial COA messed it up several time and probably SQL deleted.  We only have 4 Segments, but there were 10 listed in this table.  So I deleted all the rows that had a SGMTNUMB > 4

    But also noticed that there were funky values in there.  Our COA is 3-5-4-4

    But there were segment 1 values with a length of 6 in there as an example.  Even though the first delete made it so I could load FRx, I also decided to delete bad values out of the table (check links didn't seem to do this, so I took it upon myself), because FRx kicked that initial error from running this query (to load into the FRx tables).  

    select a.SGMTNUMB, a.SGMNTID, a.DSCRIPTN from CODB..GL40200 a order by a.SGMTNUMB

    (Got this from SQL Profiler when the error happened)

    Since it is loading that query above into FRx, I don't want junk going in there.  So I made a script to get the bad records out of that table completely.  In my case, this worked (set for 3-5-4-4).  You could make this dynamic and pull from your setup if you wanted, I hard coded the lengths.










  • Suggested answer
    Perry Smith - CRi Profile Picture
    Perry Smith - CRi 1,690 on at
    RE: Microsoft FRX 6.7 Error

    Ann, thanks this led me to a solution on this issue that is slightly different than yours.

    I discovered the SGMNTID column having blanks in the GL40200 table.

    I ran the following query to find them.

    select * from GL40200 where SGMTNUMB ='0'

    then I deleted them.

    delete GL40200 where SGMTNUMB ='0'

    I ran checklinks in Financial after that to ensure the data was clean.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Microsoft FRX 6.7 Error


    I encoutered this error as well. Not only did I find a record with the SGMTNUMB column with the value of '0', I found 12 records with values of '1100', '1200', etc.

    I removed the reord of 0, but got the error still. When I took a closer look at my query(select * from GL40200 order by SGMTNUMB) , I saw those 1xxx records at the other end of the results.

    Thanks for sharing your experience.

  • Suggested answer
    Ann B Profile Picture
    Ann B 15 on at
    Re: Microsoft FRX 6.7 Error

    I have had this happen about 3 times...always same issue. In all cases the segment master: gl40200, was imported and  the header record was imported as well. So: there is a segment ID of '0' that FRx has no idea what to do with.  

    Determine this is your issue:  select * from GL40200 where SGMTNUMB ='0'

    Run a delete statement like this:  delete GL40200 where  SGMTNUMB ='0'

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    Re: Microsoft FRX 6.7 Error

    I would check the period tables as well as chart of account master tables for an invalid record, o r blank record as this might be causing the error you are seeing in your FRx.

    Also I will suggest you review the SY01500 table and match agains the actual company databases you have, as you might have more companies on the table thatn the actual DB and this giving you the error.

    Let us know

  • Richard Wheeler Profile Picture
    Richard Wheeler 75,730 on at
    Re: Microsoft FRX 6.7 Error

    I would try running check links on the financial series to see if it fixes any issues with your GL tables. Make sure you have a backup first. If that does not do it try looking at your GL00100 and GL00105 tables. Perhaps there is a blank segment on one of the accounts.

  • Suggested answer
    Re: Microsoft FRX 6.7 Error

    If there are no space issues on the server I would recommend contacting support. You may have an inconsistency between some of your gl tables in Dynamics, or some sort of permissions errors on the system. You will likely need assistance in getting a SQL Profile to determine the cause of the error.



  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    Re: Microsoft FRX 6.7 Error

    Thanks for your response.

    Please the server has enough space as regard the recomendation from . Which log should i truncate? I dont really get what i am to do?

    Please help me further.

    Thank you

  • JMcCoy Profile Picture
    JMcCoy 185 on at
    Re: Microsoft FRX 6.7 Error

    Here ya go:

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    Re: Microsoft FRX 6.7 Error


    Thanks for your responce.

    But i did what you asked me to do yet its not working. Its giving the same error.

    What else can i do.

    Thank you

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