I just upgraded GP to 2016R2 but I am unable to login to the program because I am receiving the message "Cannot access this form because the dictionary containing it is not loaded" after I select the company and I get a blank screen. There were third party programs installed in the previous version but they are also installed in the new version. How can I resolve this ?
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Hi Tracy
When you did your upgrade, did you upgrade your custom forms.dic? If the modified forms are missing and something used on startup is needed, you will see the issue you were having.
You will need to either upgrade your forms.dic,, or export the forms from the previous version and import them again using Customization Maintenance.
Then re-apply the security to use the modified forms.
I suggest auditing the customisations to see whether they are still needed before importing them. It is always simpler to minimize the amount of customisations.
So you essentially set the DEFAULTUSER to use all unmodified version of all forms. So now the trick will be to set security to use the modified forms one by one until you find the offending form.
I was able to get in after executing the following query:
update SY10800 set modified = '0' where SECMODALTID = 'defaultuser' and modified = '1'
Hi Tracy
Have a look at this article on how to identify the window causing the issue.
Then we can use SQL to modify the data in the back end to get in.
As this is probably caused by an incorrect setting in the Alternate Modified Forms and Report ID, you might be able to gain access by removing the ID from the 'sa' user so you can log in and then run the Reconcile process on the Security tables.
delete from SY10550 where CMPANYID=-1 and USERID = 'sa'
Change the company ID if you don't have Fabrikam sample company installed.
I would uninstall GP 2016 and then re-install. This time stopping and launching GP after each installation of a product until you find the offending one. Backup the program folder each time before adding the product.
There are no menus available after I login so I can't get to Tools
Sounds like security to a modified form was setup but the modified form dictionary was not loaded. I would try going to Tools->Setup->System->Alternate Forms and Reports and defaulting back the unmodified version of those reports one by one until you find the one that is causing the issue. Perhaps you missed a modified form during the upgrade process.
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