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Job Planning Lines with Location Code

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Hi all,
I've setup custom page for Job Planning Lines, and I'm able to GET all Job Planning Lines using the Business Central API.
I'm also able to create new Job Planning Lines for a specific job, however the moment I try to add a locationCode I get the following error.
I've done the following.
If I POST the following body everything works:
{    /jobNo/: /JOB001/,    /jobTaskNo/: /1/,    /lineType/: /Budget/,    /quantityBase/: 10,    /lineNo/: 1000,    /no/: /PRODNO001/,    /type/: /Item/}
However, I would like to add the locationCode as well, so I tried the following
{    /jobNo/: /JOB001/,    /jobTaskNo/: /1/,    /lineType/: /Budget/,    /quantityBase/: 10,    /lineNo/: 1000,    /no/: /PRODNO001/,    /type/: /Item/,    /locationCode/: /SL001/}
I get the following error: You must specify Item No. in planning line
If I change quantityBase to quantity is get the following error: You must specify Resource No. in planning line
Does anyone know how to resolve this error?
  • Suggested answer
    gdrenteria Profile Picture
    gdrenteria 12,920 Most Valuable Professional on at
    Job Planning Lines with Location Code
    Is it an API type page?
    In that case,
    Have you developed something specific to indicate what the correct insertion or modification process is?
    I tell you this, because if you review some examples of standard APIs, the insertion process is directed in some way.
    Here is the example of the item API
    This link can give you some hints, i hope this can help.
    Best Regards

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