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Create 1 Purchase Order based on multiple Sales Orders

Posted on by 8
How do you create 1 Purchase Order based on multiple Sales Orders, with items specified?  Thanks.
For example:
Sales Order #1
Sales Order #2
Sales Order#3
I would like to create 1 Purchase Order only for Banana which will have a total QTY to order at 5 (5x3)
  • Verified answer
    Ben Baxter Profile Picture
    Ben Baxter 4,481 Super User 2024 Season 2 on at
    Create 1 Purchase Order based on multiple Sales Orders
    NO CUSTOMIZATION IS NEEDED!  This is standard material requirements planning (MRP).  It can be processed through the Planning Worksheet (recommended) or the Req. Worksheet.
    On the Stockkeeping Unit (SKU) Card, or Item Card in a single Location environment, for the Banana set the Reordering Policy to Lot-for-Lot.  If all the demand falls on the same day, nothing further is required.  If the demand (Sales) is spread over time, you can consider using the "Lot Accumulation Period" to group all the demand within a set time period (ex. 3D or 1W).  If you are dealing with actual Bananas (perishables), I doubt this would apply.
    Open the Planning Worksheet
    Run Calculate Regen. Plan...
    Set Start Date to Today (or tomorrow)
    Set End Date (to beyond longest lead time of Items being planned)
    Run it!
    You should get a suggestion to create a single Purchase Order for the Bananas with a Quantity of 15.  Again, this is assuming all the demand has the same date, same Location, and you don't have any Bananas in inventory.  You will also be able to click "Order Tracking" to see exactly why the suggestion was made, which will list each of the Sales Orders.  Furthermore, when the Purchase Order is created, you'll still have the "Order Tracking" button to see why that PO Line exists.
    I would strongly encourage you to reach out to your partner for training on the Inventory Planning capabilities within Business Central.
    P.S. If this was helpful in resolving your question, please mark it as a Verified Solution to help the other forum users.

    P.S.S. Don't use Order Planning!!!
    Best Regards,
    Ben Baxter
    Accent Software Inc
  • Verified answer
    Jun Wang Profile Picture
    Jun Wang 6,908 Super User 2024 Season 2 on at
    Create 1 Purchase Order based on multiple Sales Orders
    like other experts suggested there is no out of box feature to combine po into one. This is, in my view, offer user more flexibility to combine manually since BC offers user raw data on what is the demand and what to supply. Imagine if BC auto combine orders into one, it will be very hard for user to trace the origins of the orders and might cause more issues than benefits. 
  • Suggested answer
    Govinda Kumar Profile Picture
    Govinda Kumar 2,201 Moderator on at
    Create 1 Purchase Order based on multiple Sales Orders
    Hello Community Member,
    To create single a PO based on multiple SO's for only one specific item (e.g banana), you'll need some customization as there's no out-of-the-box feature available to achieve this specific requirement as per my knowledge.. so, you have to create the manual process through code... I've done something similar before and can help you.. if you're interested.. I can guide you with code here..
    Best regards,
    Govinda Kumar
  • Frolini Profile Picture
    Frolini 8 on at
    Create 1 Purchase Order based on multiple Sales Orders
    Hi @gdrenteria,
    Thank you for your reply.  The link that you provided seems to have worked, except that the PO created only carried the Pricing Quantity column.  The Sales Order has this item ordered 5 UNITS (UN) with a total weight of 13KG.  Any ideas?  Thanks again.
    Here is what in the Sales Order
    Here is the resulting Purchase Order
  • Verified answer
    Nitin Verma Profile Picture
    Nitin Verma 20,995 Moderator on at
    Create 1 Purchase Order based on multiple Sales Orders
     order planning feature help you to identify the total  order qty but it will not help you to consolidate the total qty into one single purchase order. you need to manage to create PO manually or you can choose some automation process through customization, as per now there is no standard feature available to conclude your requirement.
  • gdrenteria Profile Picture
    gdrenteria 8,784 Most Valuable Professional on at
    Create 1 Purchase Order based on multiple Sales Orders

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