I have a situation which I'd like to get some advice with to make sure I'm going down the correct path for resolution.
I have a custom entity with multiple lookups to the same parent record; similar to the way you can have many lookups to Contacts; one is Customer, one is another role, etc. Everything was fine with this until I attempted to import it into another environment. At that time I got this error:
- Entity Relationships - ist_AdjustmenttoPrevCC - Error Text - EntityRelationship [ist_AdjustmenttoPrevCC] is invalid. The lookup attribute [ist_PrevCostCode] is already associated with an existing relationship.
I googled this and found references indicating this is a problem with the same lookup being used in the destination environment. One recommendation was to change the relationship type from 1:N to N:1. I'm not even sure how I would do that. The relationship type was automatic when adding a new attribute as a lookup to the parent.
Before I even try to figure that out, I'd like to confirm what is actually going on. Does anyone have experience with this?
Thank you!
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