I'm about specifying my products (for the first time) into Dynamics CRM 2016 and I can't find the right way to do that.
I have two types of products:
1. "Product x" to rent or to sell. So I need to specify for each "Product x" two prices (price for renting and price for selling), but I can't find a way to specify that. Any good practices to cover this need?
Also, if "product x" is rented, which entity should I use to track that "sale"? order entity? contract entity?
2. "Product y" which is never sold alone but packaged with other "products y" in bundles. Bundles are sold as subscription plans such as STANDARD plan (contains 3 "product y"'s) and PREMIUM plan (contains 10 "product y"'s). Subscriptions can be monthly, quarterly, bi-yearly and yearly.
Based on Dynamics entities, I can guess that STANDARD plan and PREMIUM plan could be bundles, but how can user sells these bundles based on subscription duration. Should I:
- create bundles of bundles: create "bundle standard 1" which is equivalent to 1 month of a standard subscription, "bundle standard 3" which is equivalent to 3 months of a standard subscription... or
- add quantity to bundle order (quarterly standard subscription will be equivalent to an order with 3 standard bundles). If this is the recommended solution, how can we apply a discount?
- use contracts and track duration there?
Many thanks for your help,
Best regards
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