Hi Experts,
I am trying to write a Javascript on the Editable grid(of opportunity product) that gets triggered onrecordselect. I want to get data from the related record and based of that manuplate the editable grid.
Ex. We have a custom field on the product called "New" which is "Yes" or "No", I want to retrieve the value of the field in the javascript so that i can manipulate the editable grid based of that.
The code that i have now is able to select or read data from the selected row which is "Opportunity product", from here how to i read "Product" (Existing product) which is a lookup- a related entity. Please help me out
function gridRowSelected(executionContext) { var selected = executionContext.getFormContext().data.entity; var Width= selected.attributes.getByName("as_width").getValue(); }
Thanks in advance for your response.