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Microsoft Dynamics AX (Archived)

Min/Max Qty

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I am new to the min/max functionality in Dynamics AX.

In Released products --> manage inventory --> default order settings, I have key-in the multiples qty, min qty, max qty for default order type --> Kanban for an item.  We have to consider min/max qty as qty ordered for kanban. So to calculate Qtyordered for kanban, I multiplied multiples qty with max qty.

Is this correct?

Also could someone share a document which gives me a detailed understanding about min/max functionality from both released products, MRP and from all other ways ?



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  • Verified answer
    RE: Min/Max Qty

    I'm more familiar with planned orders than Kanbans, but you don't multiply order multiple and maximum order quantity. 

    When the system calculates that it needs a new planned Kanban it'll apply the minimum order quantity first, so if you want 1, and you have a minimum of 10, you get a planned order for 10. If the minimum doesn't satisfy the demand it'll increment the minimum by the multiple. So if you want 11 and you have a minimum of 10 and multiple of 5 you get a planned order for 15.  if your demand is greater than the maximum then you two (or more planned orders). So if your demand is 25 and your maximum is 20 and your minimum is 10 you will get 2 planned orders - one for 20 and one for 10.

    I think of it like this. Minimum order quantity is the minimum batch size you want to transact - could also be the Economic order quantity. Order multiple is a convenient pack size. Maximum order quantity isn't used so much but would be used if you have a fixed capacity limit (like a vat or reaction vessel).

    As I said I'm no expert in kanbans but I think minimum = multiple = maximum for a Kanban.

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