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Live update of values on Page.Run

Posted on by 42
Hello guys,
I have the following situation, from sales order card page we added a new action button that open with Page.Run a new page (Order Weight Details) where we can see some information.
This new page has behind a temporary tables and the calculation are done before page is opened.
On this page Order Weight Details I added an action Picked ? Yes / No to get only some information based on some filters.
The problem is that can I see the information live updated here ? I tried to use Currpage.Update but doesn't work.
Thank you
  • Daniel Mitrea Profile Picture
    Daniel Mitrea 42 on at
    Live update of values on Page.Run
    Hi Zhu,
    Thanks for your suggestion.
    I tried it but didn't work.
    I managed to find a workaround, by closing the page using currPage.Close and then reopen the page.
  • YUN ZHU Profile Picture
    YUN ZHU 64,374 Super User on at
    Live update of values on Page.Run
    As far as I know, if this is a temporary table, no. You need to add a Refresh action like the standard function below.

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