In Dynamics 365 form, How to only show "Audit History" in Related tab and hide "Activities","connections", "background process" tab
In Dynamics 365 form, How to only show "Audit History" in Related tab and hide "Activities","connections", "background process" tab
I logged in from same account, but next day when i logged in it asked me to create new user id so i created "ps_k12",
now i don't get access to click "YES" BUTTON.
If it is possible , please close this thread as resolved from your end.
Hi Partner,
I notice that the current account you are login is ps_k12 but the account you post question is ps_k1, they are not the same.
You need change to original account(ps_k1) to get it.
Thanks in advance!:)
receiving this error
Hi psk_12,
Can you click Yes under "Did this answer your question?" to close this thread if my answer is helpful.
I removed privileges of Activity entity. and it worked.
Thank you so much for the help
Hi ps_k1,
Yes, the scenario is possible.
Can you tell me which entity you are using currently? It's very import!
'Activities' will appear in related tab as long as you check the ‘Activities’ option of entity in Communication and Collaboration section. And you can’t uncheck it once you check it.
For some OOB entities that has enabled 'Activities' option by default, you can remove ‘Activities’ from navigation to hide it in the form.
However, it is not possible for custom entities and other OOB entities that enabled 'Activities' option by the user himself, there will be no Activities option present on Navigation pane and relationship explorer(That's what happened to you.).
For it, you can hide it through setting security roles that assigned to users without any privileges of Activity entity.
Hi ,
Thank you so much for the quick response.
I was able to do the same and but in navigation bar "Activities" option was not available, all other option i was able to hide. not sure why "Activities" was not showing, it is visible in the Form
is there any setting i need to enable to get the activities option in the navigation option while customizing .
Hi ps_k1,
Go Settings > Customizations > Customize the system > Entities > one entity you need > Forms to open the form you need.
Click 'Navigation' button, then you can remove navigations from left pane.
Save and Publish all customizations.
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