Trying to create a purchase order via the SOAP webservices for Nav2016, however stuck on the following error.
There is no Purchase Line within the filter. Filters: Document Type: Order, Document No.: POXXXXX)
Code below, looks fine to me , so wondering if its a configuration on the clients system.
Purchase_Header po = new Purchase_Header();
po.Buy_from_Vendor_No = /TEST01/;
po.Vendor_Invoice_No = /TEST0101/;
po.Document_Date = DateTime.Now;
po.Posting_Date = DateTime.Now;
Purchase_Order_Line[] ArrayPOLines = new Purchase_Order_Line[1];
Purchase_Order_Line poLine1 = new Purchase_Order_Line();
poLine1.Type = NavPurchaseOrderHeader.Type.Item;
poLine1.No = /100477/;
poLine1.Qty_to_Receive = 20;
poLine1.Direct_Unit_Cost = 100;
ArrayPOLines[0] = poLine1;
po.PurchLines = ArrayPOLines;
Thanks in advance