We are currently using the Dynamics 365 customer engagement version and trying to find away to reorder the line items in a quote as the option is not available, is it possible to do this with the version we are using.
Hi, Please follow below steps. Step 1. Navigate to https://make.powerapps.com Step 2. Click Table->Open quote table->Open quote form-> Select the PORDUCT subgrid to check which view is being displayed and then edit the view.
However, this is a managed non-customizable view and cannot be edited. Therefore, customize a view to duplicate this view.
Step 3. Customize the view in Quote product table.
Under the Sort By button on the right side, set the sorting based on your needs.
Set this custom view to the default view.
Step 4. Switch the view to the customized view in the PRODUCT subgrid in the Quote form. Save and publish it.
The customized sorting takes effect in the Quote line items.
I hope my answer is helpful to you! If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact me. Best Regards, Dengliang Li
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