I wrote Report extension for my "Standard Sales - Order Conf." Report.
Now, i want to use this report dataset to display its data in multiple report layouts.
For this cause, im using "rendering" section to add different layouts:
[In Report Extention]
layout("My Sales Order Confirmation")
Type = RDLC;
LayoutFile = 'My Sales Order Confirmation.rdl';
layout("My Sales Order Confirmation Email Text")
Type = Word;
LayoutFile = 'My Sales Order Confirmation Email Text.docx';
layout("My Sales Draft Invoice")
Type = RDLC;
LayoutFile = 'My Sales Draft Invoice (for Sales Order).rdl';
No i can open my "Sales Order" record on list page and press "Print Confirmation...", where i would be able to select layout. That works.
Now, i want to create another button, so i could open a report right with needed layout, which should be for instance "My Sales Draft Invoice" (from code above). And this is where struggle begins.
I created a page extension and added a button, but i cant set filter on which layout to display. Can you help me with this?
One method i found is to manually upload layout to "Custom Report Layouts" and write this code on the button:
pageextension 50350 SalesOrderListReportExt extends "Sales Order List"
Caption = 'Draft Invoice';
ApplicationArea = All;
trigger OnAction()
ReportLayoutSelection: Record "Report Layout Selection";
Layout: Record "Custom Report Layout";
DraftInvoiceLayoutCode: Code[40];
SalesHeader: Record "Sales Header";
DraftInvoiceLayoutCode := '1305-000008';
Report.Run(Report::"Standard Sales - Order Conf.", true, true, SalesHeader);
actionref(DraftInvoice_Promoted; DraftInvoice)
The problem here is, that if i want to change my layout, i would need to manually upload it back to BC instead of letting VSCode handle it. Do you have a solution for me?