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how to fetch current record in liquid template language in a web form

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I am using a a web form in Dynamics 365 Portal. The web form has multiple steps. The WebForm is flagged not to always create a session, rather use existing session. When a user does not finish to complete the web form, it is usually stored in a Draft status in the entity to which the webform is bind with, so what I need to do is to fetch the unfinished draft record from the entity. How can I do this in liquid template language? I know that liquid template language provides implicit objects like entities['entitiyname']['recordid'] , but the problem I am facing I am not able to get the recordid in liquid template language so that i can pass it as paarameter in implicity object entities , i.e. entities['entityname']['recordid']. I want to do this in the third step of the Web Form. Does anyone know how I can get the current record Id in liquid template language? 

Please dont just share the generic links of the tutotrials, as i have gone through the Microsoft Documenttion and still I have not been able to achieve it. I have also followed many available articles or threads, but didn't get through the problem

  • Verified answer
    octopus Profile Picture
    octopus 19 on at
    RE: how to fetch current record in linquid template language in a web form

    Thanks Nya, I found the solution which I will discuss here. First of all, I just need to hihghlight that in implicit object enitities, one must provide a  primary key of to fetch the record, i.e. recordid in entities['entityname']['recordid'] must be a primary key value.

    Anways, to get the draft record saved in the entity of a WebForm or AdvanceForm (both are same), we need the primary key of that draft record first. And that can be retrieved from adx_primaryrecordid column of the adx_webformsession table. 

    since there are multiple session records in adx_webformsession table itself, so we need to get the session record which is associated with draft record of the entity of a WebForm. We know a WebForm stores its configuration record in adx_webform table, we can access configuration record id using Don't assume here, that now can run liquid template entities['adx_webformsession'][] to get session record because on page level in liquid template doesn't refer to primary key of adx_webformsession table and I did this mistake in my case, therefore we need to run fetchxml as follows and directly just get the required attribute from the session record i.e. adx_primaryrecordid discussed above  :

    {% fetchxml webformsessions %}
    <fetch top="1">
    <entity name="adx_webformsession" >
    <attribute name="adx_primaryrecordid" />
    <attribute name="adx_primaryrecordentitylogicalname" />
    <filter type="and" >
    <condition attribute="adx_webform" operator="eq" value="{{ }}" />
    <condition attribute="adx_contact" operator="eq" value="{{ }}" />
    <order attribute="createdon" descending="true" />
    {% endfetchxml %}

    {% for item in webformsessions.results.entities %}
    {% assign recordid = item.adx_primaryrecordid %}
    {% endfor %}

    Now, that we have recordid , we can get the draft record of the WebForm using entities['entitityname']['recordid']

    Note that, if above fetchxml doesnt return result it means you might not have permissions in Table Permissions confiuration of the Dynamics Portal. I faced this issue and I coudln't get my head around for hours to find the actual cause. So I added the Table Permissions record as follows:

    Name: WebFormSession-Permission-Contact (Can be anything)
    Access Type: Contact
    Table Name: adx_webformsession
    Web Roles: Authenticated User, Administrator (these are the roles in my case, use your own roles who you want to give the permissions to)
    Permissions: ReadOnly

  • Nya Profile Picture
    Nya 29,058 on at
    RE: how to fetch current record in linquid template language in a web form


    Would you please share some code snippets about the issue?

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