Hi Guys,
First of all I've found this thread: Reservation Entries still exists for the Sales Order in Reservation entry table for which Sales Order has been fully Shipped and Invoiced which asks if you can delete reservation entries without problems, but there wasn't a clear answer.
My problem is that my reservation Entry table is completely full of reservation entries with the status Surplus. This is due to customization (not mine!) and I've already disabled this for the ongoing process.
A little background: we hold our inventory for some type of inventory in one company, and we consume them in another company. These consumptions postings are done automatically via an API with another program, and we've 'reserved' these items with the only purpose of holding inventory in company A and consumption in company B. We have some customization made by our Navision supplier, (this was done before I could code myself) and those are some codeunits that collect all the negative inventory in company B on those items and automatically buys them via intercompany postings at company A.
We are using lot no. tracing, and the items being bought with a query that collects the items by item, posting date and lot no. (and location code)
We also have some other customization that is able to create lot no. automatically on purchase lines. But that is not necessary in this case because they are already assigned, BUT when we post the purchase order from company B to company A, and later receive the invoice from company A in company B, it creates a purchase invoice + a reservation entry with an automatically created lot no for a split second. A moment later this lot no is overruled by the assigned lot no from the purchase line. But that reservation entry stays in the table reservation Entry with status surplus, with the wrong lot no.
So in short: I have data in my reservation entry table that goes back three years, which corresponds with a lot no. that doesn't exist, and assigning a lot no. on one of those items takes forever. My question: can I safely delete those records, or should I check some other data/tables/etc.?
Kind regards,