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Changes relationship behavior: why does it not affect previous records?

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I'm investigating the N:1 Relationship Account to Order for the entity Order.

Can you please explain what happens when I change the Relationship Behavior from Parental - Cascade All to Cascade None?

After the change, the Account's owner can't see the future orders from someone else associated with it, unless he/she has been assigned other permissions, or belongs to the same Teams.

But the owner of the Account will see the old records (orders that were saved when the type of behavior of the relationship was "Parental"). Why doesn't the change affect the old records? Is there a way to overcome the issue? 

  • Suggested answer
    Nya Profile Picture
    Nya 29,058 on at
    RE: Changes relationship behavior: why does it not affect previous records?


    Please refer to the following blog about "From Cascade ALL to Cascade None".

    (+) Usage/Significance of configurable cascading behavior of the type ASSIGN [From Cascade ALL to Cascade None] during data migration. - Microsoft Dynamics CRM Community

    It explains in detail the difference in behaviours brought about by the two options and the specific scenarios in which they can be used.

    You can substitute Opportunity for Account and Activity for Order, which makes it easy to understand.

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