According to MS Dynamics documentation - "Logical attributes contain values which are stored in different database tables than other attributes in the entity."
So, theoretically, if I want to find the physical location of those logical fields(entity name & field name), what would be the best approach to do so?
Using Dynamics web api, iterating each field with IsLogical==True property in each entity metadata, i am using the attribute_of property in order to find most of the logical fields physical locations.
But 2000 logical attributes location still couldn't be found.
after exploring those fields i noticed most of these 2000 are fields with some similar patterns:
- fields with logical name such as - owningbusinessunit, owninguser, ownerid ....
- fields with attribute_of property such as - ownerid, statuscode, statecode, accountid, contactid ....
Those 2000 logical attributes can be divided into few groups :
- Lookup type attributes - 1000 fields
- PartyList type attributes - 185
- Owner - type attributes - 31
is there any additional info which can imply of those logical attributes physical location ?