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Microsoft Dynamics GP (Archived)

SOP Delete orders

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Okay - I consider myself pretty savvy with GP - but I'm stumped.

Client is running GP9. I am attempting to delete (over 40,000 old sales orders (2008 dated) which were never properly deleted) using the GP interface.

I parsed the documents into a batch with 5,000 records and clicked delete batch (sop batch entry) and the entire batch and all documents deleted properly as expected.

I come back 2 days later - I created another batch (3238 documents) - click delete (sop batch entry) - got message - some documents failed to delete. Checked my documents using sales transaction entry screen and surprisedly the delete button is greyed out. I double checked my SOP setup for the order id and 'delete documents' is allowed. I created a brand new order and was able to delete (as expected).

I tested my version 10 install and changing the setting applies to all open documents whether created before or after changing the setting.

Apparently V9 doesn't work that way - these 2008 documents must have been created when the sop setup was set to 'not allow delete'.

My question is - there must be a column in sop10100 table that is set to either 1 or 0 based on setting of sop setup - I can't find any sql solution......

All advice is appreciated...........

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  • Bron Profile Picture
    Bron 2 on at
    Re: SOP Delete orders

    Yes - that was the issue. I figured it out over the weekend and completed my task - thanks for reply

  • Suggested answer
    Tristan Clores Profile Picture
    Tristan Clores 2,812 on at
    Re: SOP Delete orders

    Hi Bron,

    The documents in question were possibly printed before hence the reason they are not allowed to be deleted.  The Type ID does not have anything to do with it.  

    I recommend checking the TIMESPRT field in the SOP10100 table. Set this to 0 and you should be ready to delete the document within GP.

    Let me know how this goes.



  • Bron Profile Picture
    Bron 2 on at
    Re: SOP Delete orders

    Thanks Tim for your response.

    It definitely has something to do with V9 and how the order is saved (I think). Workflow is after V9 and not part of their implementation - there are no payments/deposits/hold and quantities have not been fullfilled/shipped. Some of the 2008 documents were easily and correctly deleted via the GP interface. These documents seem to have been created and saved when SOP setup was not allowing this order id to delete documents...........(at least that's my theory).......

  • Tim Foster Profile Picture
    Tim Foster 8,515 on at
    Re: SOP Delete orders

    I have to ask if any of these conditions apply...

    You can’t delete documents with items that have been shipped unless you cancel the remaining quantities first. You also must remove all deposits assigned to an order, a back order, or an invoice before you can delete the document. When you delete a document, the system does not check for process holds that may be assigned to the document.

    You can’t delete the transaction if a sales line item has a quantity on a purchase order.

    To delete an order, fulfillment order, or invoice when you are using customer credit limit override workflow, the document must have a Workflow status of Not Submitted or Submitted.


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