Okay - I consider myself pretty savvy with GP - but I'm stumped.
Client is running GP9. I am attempting to delete (over 40,000 old sales orders (2008 dated) which were never properly deleted) using the GP interface.
I parsed the documents into a batch with 5,000 records and clicked delete batch (sop batch entry) and the entire batch and all documents deleted properly as expected.
I come back 2 days later - I created another batch (3238 documents) - click delete (sop batch entry) - got message - some documents failed to delete. Checked my documents using sales transaction entry screen and surprisedly the delete button is greyed out. I double checked my SOP setup for the order id and 'delete documents' is allowed. I created a brand new order and was able to delete (as expected).
I tested my version 10 install and changing the setting applies to all open documents whether created before or after changing the setting.
Apparently V9 doesn't work that way - these 2008 documents must have been created when the sop setup was set to 'not allow delete'.
My question is - there must be a column in sop10100 table that is set to either 1 or 0 based on setting of sop setup - I can't find any sql solution......
All advice is appreciated...........
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