I have a requirements to create a new customer workspace to display a list of record and also the tiles counts based on the invoice date range filter selected by users.
I know the custom workspace need to implement the SysIFilterProvider. There is some example on adding filter, but most of the sample is only add 1 filter and mostly is string control. How about date control with range?
For this custom workspace, I'm using the Workspace Operational w Tabs pattern. When I try to a group with workspace page filter group pattern, I can only put 1 date field. Once I added 2nd field, when compile, there is error said that the child control cannot put in there.
Based on MS learning, it mentioned that the pattern on workspace only have workspace operational and operational w Tabs. The rest is obsolete. The existing Customer credit and collection is using Workspace Tabbed pattern, but it is deprecated.
At least the workspace Customer credit and collections have multiple filter fields. I don't know by heart if there is a workspace with a date field as a filter. Do you have challenges using date input controls to apply a filter?
Let me know if it is helpful. Please don't hesitate to contact me for more support and share the paper if you appreciate this work.
Thank you,
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