RE: Restore an older dynamics GP 10 backup Database
Hi EIl, The answer is depends , it depends on what modules you are using and whether you have created any new companies or added new users since that last DYNAMICS backup was taken. If your using Analytical accounting for instance that holds a lot of information on the dynamics database. also user master tables etc are on the dynamics database as well as the company master all of which will cause you problems if they have more recent entries than the last backup. not to mention any new modules you may have installed. I would avoid restoring the Dynamics database unless it is a very recent backup.
If your table does not physically exist , I would force restore your backup of the dynamics database to another database (created specifically for this purpose) , then use SQL to script out the table and its dependencies. then after taking a backup of the current database run the create scripts you have just created to re create the table. I believe the syMenuMstr should re populate on launch.
But before you do anything TAKE A BACKUP...