My company has been using sherweb server profiles for the CRM email activities. I would like to switch to AWS SES. I got a custom web app to work with the registered email address and credentials, so I know that the AWS side works. How do I handle the CRM side of this switch? I'm assuming that I have to create a new Email Server Profile, but what settings do I choose?
Server Type: "Other (POP3/SMTP)" probably.
Owner: my admin account.
Incoming Server Location: not sure
Outgoing Server Location: the endpoint for my region? (
Authenticate Using: "Credentials Specified in Email Server Profile"? Then put in the credentials that SES generated.
Use same settings for Outgoing: Yes
Incoming port: not sure
Outgoing port: 587
Authentication protocol: "auto detect" for both
process email from: not sure what this is about.
At the end I get an error saying: "Invalid Incoming Connection Type. You can connect to a POP3 email server only by using credentials that are specified in the user or queue mailbox."
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