Hi Guys,
I am having this issue with updating data from Azure SQL . I created a virtual entity in dynamics to retrieve data from azure sql , data is displayed but I want to update a field from this entity. I created plugins for retrieve, update and retrieve multiple. But when I want to update the record, I get the following error:
This is the error in browser console: "PUT https://xxxxxxxx.powerappsportals.com/_api/abcd_custompersons(XXXXXXXX-6XXX-4XXX-AXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX)/updatedemail 400 (Bad Request)
entity name: abcd_customperson
field: updatedemail (it is just a text field )
This is the error code: "9004010D" and the message: "Common Data Service error occurred."
This is my code for updating
webapi.safeAjax({ type: "PUT", url: "/_api/abcd_custompersons(" guid ")/updatedemail", contentType: "application/json", data: JSON.stringify( {"value": email }), success: function (res) { console.log(res); }, error: function (res, exception) { console.log(res.status exception); } });
this entity has table permission in portals to read and write .
Hope you can help me or give me an idea that i can try it.