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Through Xrmtoolbox you can Activate and De-activate the user in D365.
There is a plugin called “Bulk Data Update” there you have to run your fetch XML query and update the attribute which you want to update.
Follow the below steps:
1 ) Write Advance find query and download Fetchxml.
2) Open Plugin “Bulk Data Update” in Xrmtoolbox and paste the Fetchxml query in Edit Fetch XML or you can write your Fetch XML query in Fetch XML Builder.
4) After this Click on Update record button in the bottom.
5) Refresh the CRM and you will see data is updated.
You should be able to do it from Office portal in case you are using Online version, if still facing issue check similar post which should help you https://community.dynamics.com/crm/f/microsoft-dynamics-crm-forum/228369/not-able-to-re-enable-disable-user-in-crm-online
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