I have been using this:
var windowOptions = { height: 400, width: 400 }
to open a html web page from a parent form via a button.
This is the new version that MS recommends rather than the deprecated Xrm.Utility.openWebResource.
The problem with this "terrific and absolutely fabulous replacement" from MS is that it does not have the option to make it modal.
I can see why they can't make it modal but this replacement is deficient.
So I guess I am alluding to the following rhetorical question:
Without using unsupported methods or add-ins, is there way to make a modal window (not using deprecated Dialog or alertJS) in CRM 365?
I have an Address Lookup button in the parent form.
When clicked, it pops up a modal address lookup window.
Address data comes from a web api.
Selected address from the lookup is dropped to the parent address fields.
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