I was told that Dynamic 365 has the ability to use dimension codes to replace the traditional long string GL codes you find in older COA. I was hoping to set up a tradiional COA with a 4 digit GL code (ie. assets 1000, Liab 2000, OE 3000 rev 4000 exp 5000 etc..) the set up 3 different dimensional codes that a data entry person could maybe use a drop down box to select 1 the company 2 digit code (I have several companies I am consolidating into on COA. company A might be 01 company B 02 the second dimension I was hoping to set up was the location with a 3 digit code. xxx identifing the state and terminal/shop. ie 101 might equal AZ Tucosn 201 might be TX houston 301 might be OK city and the final dimension codes would be the products or services I provide. 3 digit cost that might be trucking, grinding or construction. ex... 110 might be trucking rock, 210 might be grinding stock, 310 might be RR ties
ultimately, I would have my AR or AP staff coding an invoice (example sales of trucking in houston tx, rock) sales GL code 4000 . company b 02 location in Houston TX 201 final string be rock production 210
From what I have read, this can be set up in 365 dynamic BC, but none of the training forum show how to do that. Anyone know how?