RE: Apply Entries in Cash Receipt Journal
You are talking about action "Set-Applies to ID" and then "OK" on PAG 232 - Apply Customer Entries,
not about the action "Applied Entries" (which would show the entries that habe been applied already against the entry), right !?
On using "Set Apllies to ID" in the Customer Ledger Entry page field "Applies-to ID" is filled (with the value of field "Document No." from the line in the Cash Receipt Journal page (TAB 81 - Gen. Journal Line) and field "Amount to Apply".
When you then click OK nothing gets changed in the Customer Ledger Entries.
In the TAB 81 - Gen. Journal Line the "Applies-to ID" is filled (with the value of field "Document No.") and Amount gets filled (if it was not filled from the beginning). With the validation of field Amount some other fields get filled (Debit Amount / Credit Amount / Amount (LCY) / VAT Base Amount / Bal. VAT Base Amount / VAT Base Amount (LCY) / Bal. VAT Base Amount (LCY)