I installed on a client's server earlier today Management Reporter 2012 RU6. I was logged into the server as a domain account that has Local administrator privledges on the server but not as the domain administrator. My domain account is also setup as a SQL User with sysadmin rights. I have used this account to SSRS reports and have never had an issue with it.
Today when installing Management Reporter, I tried to use my account as the services account. The application service would install and work on this account but the process server would not. I could also not create the Data Mart database and connections to the GP databases. I changed the service accounts to NT Aurtority\Network Service and used the sa SQL password to create my connections.
My problem is now when I am trying run the migration I can enter the server and see the management reporter database but the system says that it is not a valid management reporter database. I can only assume by trying some other steps that my domain account, even though it is has the sysadmin role does not have privledges to write to the Management Reporter database. My account is a user of Management Reporter and has the General User role.
With all this being said I can only assume that it is my Domain SQL user account does not have permissions even though it is in the sysadmin role. The only other piece of information that I have regarding this problem is that the SQL Services are started using the Domain Administrators account.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
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