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Microsoft Dynamics GP (Archived)

Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Setup

Posted on by 220

How do I set up "Segments" and "Account Segments" with larger than the default


Is there a best practice for COA (Chart of Accounts) in GP 2013?

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  • L Vail Profile Picture
    L Vail 65,271 on at
    RE: Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Setup

    Hi Howard,

    Right you are!  I have used it several times and it has worked flawlessly!


  • Howard Swerdloff Profile Picture
    Howard Swerdloff 845 on at
    RE: Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Setup

    The only way I know of to increase it beyond what was set during installation is using Corporate Renaissance Groups Account Reformatter. It is something that needs to be planned out as a project, much like an upgrade since it requires a new installation of GP, but it works well

  • Suggested answer
    L Vail Profile Picture
    L Vail 65,271 on at
    RE: Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Setup

    Hi PHP,

    You mentioned a 'default', where did this come from? Did your installer choose a basic setup? If so, I thought the default was XXX-XXXX-XX.

    No matter, you have good advice from the two Richard's :)

    To change your company's account format, go to Company Setup:

    Administration | Setup | Company | Account Format

    The maximums that have been established for your GP installation appear at the top of the window. I've identified them below:

    You can modify your company's account structure in the window above. Add more segments, make the segments larger, etc.

    As Richard said, if you make the segments larger, the extra characters will be blank for your pre-existing accounts. For example, if your current account structure is XXX-XXXX-XX and you make segment one 4 characters and segment two 5 characters, your accounts will look like this XXX_-XXXX_-XX. This is easy to correct with the account modifier tool which is part of the Professional Services Tools Library that comes with GP, the so called PSTL tools.

    The PSTL tools need to have been installed, but if they weren't, it's an easy module to add. With the PSTL tool you can convert the blank spaces to zeros (or any other number). You can import these changes, you don't have to do it one account at a time (yay!).

    If your account framework doesn't allow you to create the segments you desire, and you haven't added any data to your company,( or are willing to recreate it), then the other Richard's advice is good to follow.  When you delete the Dynamics database (or whatever you named your system database), you'll get the opportunity to recreate it and set up the account framework to fit your company's needs.

    As far as 'best practices' are concerned, there is not a 'standard' on the best account format. The account format is ruled by whatever allows you to get the reports your management needs. As far as an account 'framework's concerned (the one defined at installation), I'm going to agree with my colleagues; max it out.  I nearly always set the max number of segments to 10 and allow a max of 6 characters per segment (that's the default these days). What isn't the default, but is something I ALWAYS do - and I think you should too - is to establish a sorting index that allows you to sort by each segment in your account framework. In my opinion, this is something that reveals how much experience your implementation consultant has. Inexperienced consultant typically don't allow for sorting by segment, because that's not the default.

    Anyway, you have LOTS of options in defining your chart of accounts. In my opinion, it is perhaps the most important decision you make when establishing an accounting system. I encourage you to post more questions if you think our input is of any value to you (I'll get off of my soapbox now).

    I hope I have provided helpful information. Feel free to contact me if you want to talk about your specific installation. I'm always delighted to try and help, as are so many fine folks on this forum..

    Kind regards,


  • Suggested answer
    Richard Whaley Profile Picture
    Richard Whaley 25,195 on at
    RE: Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Setup

    As for Best Practices....we are putting some of those in our new Financials for MS Dynamics GP book.  It should be out in June.

  • Suggested answer
    Richard Whaley Profile Picture
    Richard Whaley 25,195 on at
    RE: Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Setup

    Segment limits are established when GP is first installed in what is called an Account Framework.   When you create a new company, you set the account format which can be any combination of segments, lengths UP TO THAT ALLOWED by the Framework.  Look at the account number format in Financials Setup to see what the framework size is.  If the framework allows, I think there are tools that will allow you to increase the number of segments used and the size of the segments.  Check PSTL first.

    If you go to the Account Format window, (MS Dynanmics GP->Tools->Setup->Company) you can add segments to your current account format and add characters up to the limit allowed by the format.  Using this method, the extra segments and spaces added will be filled with blanks for existing accounts.

  • Richard Wheeler Profile Picture
    Richard Wheeler 75,730 on at
    RE: Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Setup

    That must be something the Basic installation does. If you can, delete the DYNAMICS database and any company databases you have created and then  re-launch GP Utiliites and chose Advanced. I normally set all of our clients to 64 x 8 so they have plenty of room to grow in the future. There is no Best Practice for any version of GP. It is up to the requirements of the company. I know with low-end end packages like QB and Peacthree they wil start their GL accounts number with 1 for Assets, 2 for Liablities, 3 for Equity, 4 for Sales, 5 or expenses, etc. These numbers are fixed and cannot be changed.

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