What is the purpose of Date required field on PO tab?
What if I receive purchase order before or after the required date. Which I have been selected while creating purchase order in store operation manager 2.0
For example (i.e. today is 08-26-2011, MM-DD-YYYY)
I create a PO and enter the other necessary data and I select the Date required filed and enter the date from after 3 days to current date (i.e. today is 08-26-2011). And my required date is now 08-29-2011. So question is this what if I receive this PO on before required date for i.e. 08-28-2011 and what if I receive this PO after required date i.e. 09-12-2011.
So does it effect on Headquarter or it will close automatically after passing the required date.
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