I've created a custom API page to retreive records from a custom table. To get the records I need, I use odata filterexpression, e.g.:
"startswith(itemNo,'11054') or startswith(itemNo,'11057') or startswith(itemNo,'11058') or startswith(itemNo,'11062') or startswith(itemNo,'11063') or startswith(itemNo,'11064') or startswith(itemNo,'11065') or startswith(itemNo,'11066') or startswith(itemNo,'11081') or startswith(itemNo,'11082') or startswith(itemNo,'11083') or startswith(itemNo,'11084') or startswith(itemNo,'11085') or startswith(itemNo,'11086') or startswith(itemNo,'11115') or startswith(itemNo,'11090') or startswith(itemNo,'11091') or startswith(itemNo,'11104') or startswith(itemNo,'11105') or startswith(itemNo,'11106') or startswith(itemNo,'11107') or startswith(itemNo,'11108') or startswith(itemNo,'11109') or startswith(itemNo,'11110') or startswith(itemNo,'11111') or startswith(itemNo,'11112') or startswith(itemNo,'11140') or startswith(itemNo,'11114') or startswith(itemNo,'11128') or startswith(itemNo,'11129') or startswith(itemNo,'11138')"
The I get the error "The node count limit of '100' has been exceeded. To increase the limit, set the 'MaxNodeCount' property on EnableQueryAttribute or ODataValidationSettings". When I only use 1 or 2 'or' statements it works fine. I found out this is standard Odata behaviour.
MaxNodeCount exceeded · Issue #579 · OData/RESTier · GitHub.
Is there a possibility to increase the MaxNodeCount? If yes, how and where? Would this be possible in the code of my API page? Or are there other solutions to avoid this problem? I was not able to find any information about this error in combination with Business Cental.