Is there any error list for BC? I mean, everyone is talkin about what messages you get when you are processing normal transactions, but what about errors?
Is there any error list for BC? I mean, everyone is talkin about what messages you get when you are processing normal transactions, but what about errors?
Hi, unfortunately, I didn't see any error list for Business Central in MS docs. But that might be a bit misunderstood, microsoft is now focusing on making it easier to find the cause after a error occurs.
For example, some recent new features:
View the last know error:
Error dialogs with detailed messages for better troubleshooting:
ErrorInfo data type & Collectible Errors:
For developer, AL Compiler Diagnostics (Messages includes URLs):
Hope this info also helps.
I am not aware of such a list and that is why we always ask for error message and the codestack.
That being said in BC SaaS you can go to table 700 to see some recorded error and if any help url can be found.
In addition I found the following web site helpful to find some error and where they happen
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