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Creating lookup field on Opportunity Close entity - not supported?

Posted on by 120


Now that we are able to customize the opportunity close entity along with adding fields, we wanted to create custom lookup fields to other entities to be able to capture winning product, competing product etc but when we are unable to create lookup fields, the "Target Record Type" is just empty/not clickable.

Is this intended or just a bug in our environment?


  • tledbetter88 Profile Picture
    tledbetter88 5 on at
    RE: Creating lookup field on Opportunity Close entity - not supported?

    Thanks for this post! I think this script issue may be a problem for our environment as well.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Creating lookup field on Opportunity Close entity - not supported?

    As a reminder for other people: 

    This should work and it now works in our instance. Microsoft had to apply a script in the backed to get it fixed on our organization. It should work directly in a new vanilla environment. 

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Creating lookup field on Opportunity Close entity - not supported?

    Which is weird, because it clearly states in the documentation by Microsoft:

    What customizations are possible?

       Customization of Opportunity Close entity to add custom fields, including of type Lookup.

  • Verified answer
    LuHao Profile Picture
    LuHao 40,862 on at
    RE: Creating lookup field on Opportunity Close entity - not supported?

    Hi David123,

    Agree with Gary.

    The Opportunity Close entity does not support creating lookup field, which is by design.

    When we create a lookup field, we are actually creating a new N:1 relationship for this entity.

    If you are going to create a new N:1 relationship of the Opportunity Close entity, you will find that there is no New button. Opportunity Close entity does not allow new relationships to be created.


    Therefore, the Opportunity Close entity does not support the creation of lookup fields.

  • Verified answer
    Gary Letter Profile Picture
    Gary Letter 1,265 on at
    RE: Creating lookup field on Opportunity Close entity - not supported?

    Hi David123,

    I haven't found it documented anywhere, but I don't think it's a bug. It looks like adding fields is allowed, but adding relationships is not. Adding a lookup field would create a relationship.

    If you try to create a Customer field, which also creates relationships, that is not grayed out. But you will get an error, "The referencing entity of a relationship must have the CanBeRelatedEntityInRelationship managed property set to true," which implies that that metadata property that would allow custom entity relationships is set to False for the Opportunity Close entity.

    Gary Letter
    NextLevel Business Systems

    If you find the answer useful, please click "Yes" to mark it as verified.

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