Hey guys
I was reading the following doc Commerce runtime (CRT) services - Commerce | Dynamics 365 | Microsoft Docs. So I created a class extending from IRequestTriggerAsync and in one of the methods that force to implement (SupportedRequestTypes), I specify to handle PickupAtStoreRequest requests.
On OnExecuted method: public async Task OnExecuted(Request request, Response response) I wrote all the logic that I need to get the SalesOrder information from PickupAtStoreResponse. This method get triggered when a transaction is a customer order by pickup and I click the PickUp button within the "Orders to PickUp" menu in Dynamics Retail POS.
BUT I don't find any information that helps me to achieve this when the transaction is a customer order by shipping.
I'm not quite sure if for shipping I have to follow the same process or maybe it is a total different one. So my questions are, how can I achieve the same process for Shipping within the "Orders to Ship" menu in Dynamics Retail POS? How can I get the SalesOrder for a shipping request? What type of request and response should I use for Shipping??