I would like to take an input from the user which is a year and i want the max accepted value to be taken from the general ledger setup table.
I added the maximum integer field in the general ledger table field:
field(50102; MaxYearForCommissions; Integer) { Caption = 'Max Year For Commissions'; DataClassification = ToBeClassified; }
and then proceeded by creating a field in the standard dialogue page where i want this integer to be added:
field(SelectedYear; SelectedYear) { ApplicationArea = All; Caption = 'SelectedYear'; //add max value here }
Things I tried:
GenLedgSetup: Record "General Ledger Setup"; MinimumValue: integer; MaximumValue: integer; trigger OnOpenPage() begin System.Clear(SelectedYear); // MaximumValue := GenLedgSetup.MaxYearForCommissions; (BC is crashing when running this code) end;