I'm in a sandbox environment at a subdivision where the parent uses SL, and we are migrating over to it. My test environment is a copy of the live environment with a fresh application database for our company so it contains some mods done by corp. I'm testing the subcontract creation process and finding the Vendor ID field is disabled. When I try to enable this one, I get the error, "Set Property returned an error. Check scode for value."
On KnowledgeBase it says: Issue occurs when customizing a screen and setting an invalid value on a Properties screen and typically occurs on a PV (possible values) field.
But I'm not touching the PV field, I'm just trying to enable it. My PV field is set to "pjsubven_sallactive", and I do have active subcontract vendors.
I checked a separate fresh install of SL 7 on my pc using the Contoso eductation database and it's the same, so I assume I'm making some kind of rookie mistake trying to set the value from the wrong screen or something. I'm digging into the help text, but any help would be appreciated.
It's spooky to me that the gray silhouette generic avatar under my name actually resembles my real outline.
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