I have an issue.
I have a client who can create two kind of Purchase Orders - stock item and non stock item.
The no. series for stock item is P-ORD and for non stock item is P-ORD-A.
When he post a purchase order for stock item it is converted into a purchase invoice which takes the code defined in the system that is, P-Inv for stock item.
The issue is that when he is posting purchase order for non- Stock item, Business Central is taking the no. serie for stock item - P-Inv instead of P-Inv-A which is for non stock item.
Is there any way to solve this or it is a customization?
Thanks for helping me.
Thank you.
Apologies for any confusion.
That's I wanted. When the PO is non stock item and when it is converted as purchase invoice, it should take the serial no being setup for non - stock item in the purchase payables setup.
You should make it more clear like where did you add no series for non-stock PO. or add the screenshot of your code.
What I have understood after reading your question.
You need to make another number series for the non-stock items and set it in the purchase setup form in Purchase and Payable Setup in Manual Setup...
For that, you need to make an extension of the purchase and payable setup table and form to add one more field for No. Series for non-stock items.
NoSeriesMgt: Codeunit NoSeriesManagement;
POSetup: Record " e.g PO payable setup table";
PO."Order No." := NoSeriesMgt.GetNextNo(POSetup."Your No. Series", WorkDate(), true);
When posting the purchase order make sure you select the non-stock item's purchase order.
Regards People Eater.
There is only one option to assign No Series For Purchase Invoice in Purchase & Payable Setup.
So There is no other option Except Customization to post with two different No Series From Purchase Order.
But If You Post Directly From Purchase Invoice Page, You Can Assign Two Different No Series as you wish.
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