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Change team type to AAD security group team

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Hi All,
I'm gonna have to change an owned team to AAD Security groups teams for a customer to ease user management. Based on the search i made, i didn't find a way to convert an owned team to AAD security group teams.
Do you know if it's possible? I didn't find a way to do that.
I think the best approach should be to create a brand new AAD security groups teams and put the same security roles / business unit to the new team.
After that, Add users to security groups teams via Azure.
And finally, reassign records from the old owned teams to the new team.
But my concern is that the user couldn't access to their previous records. Did anyone already done that?
Thanks in advance,
  • shoera Profile Picture
    shoera 70 on at
    RE: Change team type to AAD security group team


    Thank you for your reply. I'm gonna create a poc environment azure / dynamics to test that. I'll keep you informed of my investigations

  • PerezAguiar Profile Picture
    PerezAguiar on at
    RE: Change team type to AAD security group team


    Interesting approach.  As the records are assigned to the same user (despite different team), there shouldn't be any access lost to the previous record.  However, you should test this on a sandbox before doing the Production change.  Perhaps the best approach would be that both teams exists for some period of time.

    One important thing:  when you create an AAD Team on Dynamics, the users are not populated immediately with the information from Azure.  Instead, it will be populated as the users login to the environment.

    best regards,

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