Hello, don't know if I am right here but anyway:
I don't get it how to call an action/procedure from withhin the OnValidate() function inside a field - to simple to get it.
The exercise is to:
Call the procedure GetSuggestion from within the OnValidate trigger.
Code blow:
page 50112 StatmentsCard { PageType = Card; ApplicationArea = All; UsageCategory = Documents; Caption = 'Statments Card'; layout { area(Content) { group(Eingabe) { Caption = 'Input'; Description = 'Input'; field(Schwierigkeitsgrad; Difficulty) //tpagefield { ApplicationArea = All; Description = 'Schwierigkeitsgrad'; trigger OnValidate() begin end; } } group(Ausgabe) { caption = 'Output'; field(Vorschlag; Suggestion) { ApplicationArea = All; Description = 'Vorschlag'; Editable = false; } field(Ebene; Level) { ApplicationArea = All; Description = 'Ebene'; Editable = false; } } } } actions { area(Processing) { action(GetSuggestion) { ApplicationArea = All; trigger OnAction() begin Level := ''; Suggestion := ''; case Difficulty of 1 .. 5: begin Level := 'Beginner'; Suggestion := 'Take e-Learning or remote training'; end; 6 .. 8: begin Level := 'Intermediate'; Suggestion := 'Attend instructor-Led'; end; 9 .. 10: begin Level := 'Advanced'; Suggestion := 'Attend instructor-Led and self study'; end; end; end; } } } var Level: Text[30]; Suggestion: Text[80]; Difficulty: Integer; }
Thank you,