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Small and medium business | Business Central, N...
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Update insights reports on role page

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Hi! Does anyone know if there is an easy method to updating the dashboard insights reports on one's main role page?  I've a few charts on my dashboard that are older and would like to update them and make a few new ones, however when I go to get or create the chart/report it doesn't show a place to pull it from?  I'm looking to assign sets of data from my database example: Revenue (Y axis)over Time (x-axis) but can't seem to get the system to allow me to choose that data set and have it show up on my dashboard.  Using BC20.


  • Suggested answer
    Shawnsauve Profile Picture
    Shawnsauve 1,091 on at
    RE: Update insights reports on role page

    It sounds like you are trying to update and create new charts on your dashboard in BC20. To do this, you will need to follow these steps:

    1. Go to your dashboard in BC20 and click on the "Edit Dashboard" button.

    2. Locate the chart or report you want to update or create and click on the gear icon to edit it.

    3. In the chart editor, select the type of chart you want to create or update, such as a line chart for revenue over time.

    4. Select the data source for your chart by clicking on "Add Data Source" and choosing the appropriate database table or query.

    5. Configure the chart settings, such as the x-axis and y-axis fields and any filters or groupings you want to apply.

    6. Preview the chart to ensure it displays the data correctly and looks the way you want it to.

    7. Save the chart and return to your dashboard to see the updated or new chart.

    If you are having trouble selecting the appropriate data source or configuring your chart settings, you may need to consult the BC20 documentation or seek assistance from technical support. They can help you troubleshoot any issues and ensure that your charts and reports are working correctly.

  • Suggested answer
    YUN ZHU Profile Picture
    YUN ZHU 77,855 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    RE: Update insights reports on role page

    Hi, generally, it is updated by modifying the settings in the following settings.




    If you need to automate it, maybe the following method can do it, I'm sorry I haven't tested it.

    PS: Due to the limited Chart feature in BC, there will be more customers using Power Bi now.


    Hope this helps.



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