I'm new to GP 10.0 and am trying to figure out the best way to set up AR Invoicing so we can send professional looking invoices for services (non-inventory items) we provide to customers. From other postings it looks like SOP is the preferred method but all the examples are geared more towards companies that sell inventory and not services.
In testing I've created invoices both through SOP Sales Process and Invoice Entry and been able to print the invoice without issue. When I Post from SOP(Sales Batches) or Invoice Batches nothing goes to the GL or to Receivables Management to update the customers AR account on the AR sub-ledger.
When I post I get a report: Sales (or Invoice) Posting Journal that shows the invoice details including the GL account distribution. Then I also get a Distribution Breakdown report for Summary and Detail and it is always blank with no transaction data.
I also tested creating a Sales/Invoice entry through the Receivables Transaction Entry form and that does correctly post to the Customers AR account on the AR sub-ledger and to the GL. But the invoice does not look professional and it won’t let me enter multiple items – for when I need to invoice for several services that we provide – it just lets me enter in 1 total sales amount.
I’ve gone through the user guide on setting up Posting and I think I’ve got it correct. I selected “Customer” option under “Posting Accounts From”, as we don’t have Inventory items. I’ve made sure the test Customer has a Sales & AR GL account assigned and that under Posting Accounts I set up an account for AR and Sales. The Posting set up seems very similar to how AP is set up and AP correctly posts to the AP sub-ledger and the GL.
I’ve obviously missed something and was wondering if anyone had tips on where I should look? Thank you for the help.
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