I am using Microsoft Dynamics SL Paired with Management Reporter 2012. I have been trying to make some reports in management reporter for F/Y budgets by month. I've attached some screen shots below. First is my row definition, I am focusing on the Rev Per day. This is dividing row 190 by total operating days above in earlier rows This is only on columns B-M in the column definitions. In my column definition for my column N I am pretty much just taking a total of all the months (Columns A:N.) This is causing me to get an incorrect total revenue per day as it is just adding the per day values in columns A:M, instead of taking column N and dividing it by total YTD Operating days. Does anyone have any idea how to make it so my Per day for Column N is dividing the total revenue (columns B:M) and dividing it by the total operating days which are represented by the cells being divided in my row definition? Hope this makes sense. Thanks
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