Suddenly I am unable to import a solution from SANDBOX into the PROD environment due to a so-called "Some dependencies are missing" error, The field that is supposedly missing is called msfp_formquestionid.
It happened overnight, yesterday I uploaded a solution and today it does not work. The field does not exist in any environment, neither in the SANDBOX environment nor in the PROD environment and I do not understand at all what this field is
[{"SolutionValidationResultType":"Error","Message":"The following solution cannot be imported: XXXXXXXXX. Some dependencies are missing. The missing dependencies are : <MissingDependencies><MissingDependency><Required key=\"3057\" type=\"14\" schemaName=\"msfp_formquestionid\" displayName=\"Form question id\" parentSchemaName=\"msfp_question\" solution=\"MicrosoftFormsPro (\" /><Dependent key=\"3057\" type=\"14\" schemaName=\"msfp_formquestionid\" displayName=\"Form question id\" parentSchemaName=\"msfp_question\" /></MissingDependency></MissingDependencies> , ProductUpdatesOnly : False","ErrorCode":-2147188707,"AdditionalInfo":null}]