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Session Id : S93yzN0c/pSeaibjeNo91I
Microsoft Dynamics GP (Archived)

International Phone Number

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Posted on 16 Apr 2008 22:18:44 by 35

How are other companies handling the storage of international phone numbers in both Vendor & Customer cards. Specifically the international country code.

*This post is locked for comments

  • Thuy Pham Profile Picture
    25 on 15 Oct 2009 at 19:20:48
    Re: International Phone Number
    Thank you all for your inputs and the cautions. At least I know that the issue can be solved in different ways... Best, Thuy
  • Ron Draganowski Profile Picture
    1,575 on 15 Oct 2009 at 14:06:47
    Re: Re: Re: Re: International Phone Number

    I can understand the "caution" around modifications.  Modifications should not be made for their own sake.  They have to be weighed against the cost.  Those costs include:

    1. Actual development time
    2. Recurring costs of future upgrades

    Once you have the costs, you have to weigh them against the benefits, which include:

    1. How much employee time will be saved (in this case, by not having to track phone number in some external place)
    2. How much easier with the system be to use
    3. How much easier will your framework be for training new employees 

    In this case, the modification is a no brainer so long as you have the licensing requirements that I first mentioned (if you don't, then you have to add that to the cost of the solution).  An experienced GP consultant should be able to make this change in 15 minutes if already onsite for another purpose.  Maybe 30 minutes if they have to take the time to connect to your system remotely, etc.  This particular change should not need to be upgraded for service packs, and yes, it may  need to be recreated for major version upgrades to GP (like from 10 to 11).  Then your out another 15 minutes of consulting as part of the upgrade.  Probably easily worth the benefit of being able to track phone number in GP.

    Choosing a GP VAR should include making sure that VAR can make and support changes to GP.  Afterall, one of the biggest values around GP is its flexibility to modification, something that is needed in the real world.  Many if not most GP VARs can do things like this for their clients.   I think there may even be self help on CustomerSource Knowledgebase.  Check it out.  But a client would need Modifier/VBA to do this themselves.

  • Richard Whaley Profile Picture
    25,195 on 15 Oct 2009 at 11:08:40
    Re: Re: Re: International Phone Number

    Caution!   There are a lot of programmers here that are not afraid of modifications.

     MODIFICATIONS mean that when you upgrade from 9 to 10 or 10 to 11 or 11 to 12 or even install service packs or feature packs you need to test and possibly re-create your modifications.  Watch out for this!


  • Community Member Profile Picture
    on 15 Oct 2009 at 04:12:01
    Re: Re: International Phone Number

    Yes, it is definitely a possibility, and really an easy modification.

  • Thuy Pham Profile Picture
    25 on 15 Oct 2009 at 03:33:17
    Re: International Phone Number
    Does it mean that it is possible to handle international phone numbers without adding a new GP module? We were told that the only solution was to install a new GP client which is called international GP. This solution requires launching a different GP application.
  • Community Member Profile Picture
    on 20 Apr 2009 at 09:06:25
    Re: International Phone Number

    you can use the default Phone Mask and you can use some rules to avoid changing lots of thing in GP

    so i think ,It's better to customize yourself to use GP and not to customize GP

    As a final solution to deal with some new issues, yes go develop on GP

    Developer Advice :D

    Like: replace Blank char with stars

    852 – 9874 – 654 Ext ****

    *** - 9874 – 654 Ext 1234


  • Community Member Profile Picture
    on 19 Apr 2009 at 15:21:33
    Re: Re: International Phone Number

    Hi James

    You can go Phone_number and Phone_Number3 formats and remove the existing format, add the new format as you like. You have the option of formatting it to your needs



    Janakiram M.P.


  • James McEuin Profile Picture
    290 on 17 Apr 2009 at 13:37:13
    Re: International Phone Number

    Is there a format option or can a format option be created to mask for international and US?

  • Ron Draganowski Profile Picture
    1,575 on 16 Apr 2008 at 22:57:23
    Re: International Phone Number

    I have good news for you.  This is not as hard as you might think. Making the change requires that you either have the customization site license (CSL) or Modifier/VBA.  (If you only have CSL, you'll have to have your VAR make this change for you).  Then using Modifier, change the format of the Phone_Number and Phone_Number3 data types to not have an input mask.  The change you make will be stored in the forms.dic file, which will then have to be copied to every other GP workstation.  The Customization Maintenance window cannot export a change like this.

     Don't be afraid to make the change yourself.  Just launch Modifier (Tools>>Customize>>Modifier), and you'll see a data types button on the tool bar.

     Good luck.

    Ron Draganowski
    Senior Solution Developer
    Olsen Thielen Technologies, Inc.


    Find me on LinkedIn:


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