We are using OOB editable grid in our project, but we noticed that it doesn’t respond properly.
For one of our entity, it has completely stopped working i.e., when we click the row to be able to edit and enter value to the column, it doesn’t become editable at all.
We tried removing the control completely and putting it but even then it’s not working.
I noticed below error when navigating in-n-out of that form:
<CrmScriptErrorReport> <ReportVersion>1.0</ReportVersion> <ScriptErrorDetails> <Message>Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined</Message> <Line>2</Line> <URL>/%7B636312497130000185%7D/WebResources/cc_MscrmControls.Grid.GridControl/Grid.js?ver=614197546</URL> <PageURL>/main.aspx?etc=10128&extraqs=%3f_CreateFromId%3d%257bA0BB89AE-F236-E711-8108-C4346BAC3FA4%257d%26_CreateFromType%3d1%26etc%3d10128&histKey=458759592&newWindow=true&pagetype=entityrecord#13385829</PageURL> <Function>anonymousr:Cannotreadproperty'length'ofundefined</Function> <FunctionRaw>TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined</FunctionRaw> <CallStack>
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