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Microsoft Dynamics GP (Archived)

eConnect Question

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I need to create sales orders in GP and will be using GP Web Services to fire the proper eConnect API's.

My question is - I want to write back the sales document number that was created in GP back into my separate database.

Does eConnect return the document numbers or does it just return a message similar to '6 documents created'.

We will be importing multiple records each time.

Need to eConnect :))))

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  • Bron Profile Picture
    Bron 2 on at
    Re: Re: Re: Re: eConnect Question

    Okay -

    Here's the flow............Sales Application creates a document that will need to be inserted in GP as a Sales Document.

    eConnect will complete the insert and the post routine will complete an update of the sales application with the sales document number.

    3 days later someone in GP will update the document by updating the requested ship date with the date they expect the the product to ship. The econnect Requestor Tool will be used to complete this task (or I could do it the old fashion way with a DB trigger).

     Sounds good to me - I'm anxious to work with eConnect.

    Thanks Mario and Kay for your assistance...........

  • Mariano Gomez Profile Picture
    Mariano Gomez 26,225 on at
    Re: Re: Re: Re: eConnect Question

    [quote user="K Day"]

     I don't think that eConnect works that way.  It is really a tool for inserting records into GP using the business logic of the windows and the application, but using SQL stored procedures.  You would probably be best served with a trigger for that. 


    I guess you haven't really looked at the eConnect Requester Service. This eConnect component is a trigger-based component that writes to a shadow table from which data is submitted to an MSMQ queue. Please refer to the eConnect Requester Service in the eConnect SDK documentation.

    Furthermore, eConnect DOES NOT use the business logic encapsulated in the windows and application, it uses stored procedures that replicate that processing logic -- I think you alluded to this, however I just wanted to make sure the statement was clear. All eConnect processing is done at the database level, not at the application level.

  • K Day Profile Picture
    K Day 7,365 on at
    Re: Re: Re: eConnect Question

     I don't think that eConnect works that way.  It is really a tool for inserting records into GP using the business logic of the windows and the application, but using SQL stored procedures.  You would probably be best served with a trigger for that. 

  • Mariano Gomez Profile Picture
    Mariano Gomez 26,225 on at
    Re: Re: Re: eConnect Question

    You can also use the eConnect Requester service which will write back the values to an MSMQ queue. If you have some key field that you can pass in from your source to be able to tie it back then you can use this approach rather than using the post procedure to do this.

  • Bron Profile Picture
    Bron 2 on at
    Re: Re: eConnect Question

    Thank you Kay that helps alot.

    1 additional question if I eConnect a 2 way connection - are there nodes that will update my application when the GP sales document requested ship date field is updated from within GP?

    Or will I need a SQL trigger/stored procedure/job to accomplish this task?

     Thanks again...........answer at your leisure.......

  • K Day Profile Picture
    K Day 7,365 on at
    Re: eConnect Question

     For every eConnect Node, there is one called ta.....pre and  The post procedure is an empty procedure that is fed all of the eConnect data.  Since you can't modify (you aren't supposed to) the actual taSOPHeaderInsert (or whatever it is called) since it is encrypted, you can go into the taSOPHeaderInsertPost and write a stored procedure (os a simple isert statement if you would rather.)

     So basically,  open the Post procedure and add something like this

    Exec usp_your_procedure_to_insert_with_SOP_Number_parameter  @i_SOPNUMBER, or whatever the variable is that you are looking for.  When you right click the post procedure and select "Alter to new Query window" you will see what is going on.  It is basically an empty stored procedure ready for your code with all of the SOP header variables populated for that transaction.

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