We currently have two Report.dics located in our shared network resource location.
Reports.dic is the standard dictionary and the other is called Reports_HATB.dic which points to a specially modified HATB report that has all header level detail removed so that detail only is exhibited.
In our current environment we publish DGP through Citrix. On our Citrix server for DGP we have two shortcuts that point the the respective set files which are mapped to either the Reports .dic or the Reports_HATB. I am now being asked about having both reports within one DGP session.
IS this possible? Is there any risk?
I have seen that I can import the REPORTS_HATB however then I am setting the report to use a modfied form which will nto work as the users also need the unmodified version. Is there a workaround or any other way for the users to run a true HATB report? We are currently working through our TEST upgrade of DGP 2016R2.
Thank you
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