Re: Re: Transactions not displaying in the journal
There is another reason, sometimes due to some error (finding) POS cannot post a sale in all tables, it shows sale in Detail Sales Report, but it didn't less the stock of that article, the tenderentry and dailysales(Graph) table will also not update. Then we have to update these tables manually through SQL Server. Match your quantity list and item Movement History Report, it should be same or use the following query to determine your stock is according to the movement or not.
Select B.ItemId,B.ItemLookupCode,B.ItemDescription,B.OHQty,B.MvmtQty from (
Select Mvmt.ItemId,MAX(I.ItemLookupcode) ItemLookupCode,MAX(I.Description) AS ItemDescription,MAX(I.Quantity) OHQty,Sum(Mvmt.Quantity) MvmtQty from (
SELECT InventoryTransferLog.ItemID AS ItemId,
InventoryTransferLog.Quantity AS Quantity
FROM InventoryTransferLog
LEFT JOIN PurchaseOrder ON InventoryTransferLog.ReferenceID = PurchaseOrder.ID AND
(InventoryTransferLog.Type = 1 OR InventoryTransferLog.Type = 3)
SELECT TransactionEntry.ItemID AS ItemId,
- TransactionEntry.Quantity AS Quantity
FROM TransactionEntry
LEFT JOIN [Transaction] ON TransactionEntry.TransactionNumber = [Transaction].TransactionNumber
) Mvmt
LEFT JOIN Item I on Mvmt.ItemID=I.Id
Group by Mvmt.ItemID ) B
Where B.OHQty<>B.MvmtQty