Hi, In former AX versions, one could specify a default value per financial dimension per gl-account.
Now, in Ax2012 there is great improvement regarding financial dimensions: structures and advanced structures, all is there to easily control the combinations of dimensions.
However, the option of a default value seems to be gone. Very sad as I am looking for this (of course).
Why would I want this: imagine the use of a project as a financial dimension. Other financial dimension must be entered as well because of reporting/analysis requirements. These other dimension can be derivated from the project, ie a project dimension value will point to specific values of other dimensions. To prevent unneccessary clicking/typing, default values would help a lot.
Anybody a clue?
Many thanks
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Hi All,
Thanks god we solved the issue.
In my case we were creating the new lines through X++ where the defualt dimensions were not passing.
we have written the below code to pass ledgerjournaltable default dimension rec id to the line-
journalLine.AccountType = LedgerJournalACType::Vend;
journalLine.LedgerDimension= DimensionStorage::getDynamicAccount(DimensionStorage::ledgerDimension2AccountNum(_LedgerJournalTrans.LedgerDimension),LedgerJournalACType::Vend);
journalLine.CurrencyCode = _LedgerJournalTrans.CurrencyCode;
//journalLine.ExchRate = 100.0;
journalLine.editExchRate(NoYes::Yes, 1.0);
journalLine.DocumentDate = _LedgerJournalTrans.DocumentDate;
journalLine.DocumentNum = _LedgerJournalTrans.DocumentNum;
journalLine.Invoice = voucher ;
journalLine.TransDate = _LedgerJournalTrans.TransDate;
journalLine.JournalNum = _LedgerJournalTrans.JournalNum;
journalLine.Payment = _LedgerJournalTrans.Payment;
journalLine.PaymMode = _LedgerJournalTrans.PaymMode;
journalLine.Approver = _LedgerJournalTrans.Approver;
journalLine.Approved = true;
journalLine.OffsetAccountType = LedgerJournalACType::Ledger;
journalLine.OffsetLedgerDimension = journalLine.getLedgerDimensionForLedgerType(AxdDocumentParameters::find().'custom field in my case',curext());
the main account type in COA was shared still and we are able to insert dimensions in line level.
so we got success in posting the automatic created lines even if account structure and advanced rule was active.
Hi All,
I suddenly found this post which I was looking for.
I have same problem like Sandra,Craig,Jaren -
To KIM, my scenario i like below -
As per client requirement, they are sending different kind of commissions along with vendor invoice .We are taking all dimensions in header level(LedgerjournalTable)For accounting those commissions we are manually creating line through X++ coding and inserting in LedgerJournalTrans table.But we are not able to pass the default dimensions for these manually created lines.It is giving error while posting since we have activated the account structure set some rules for passing dimensions.(I have tried with changing the 'level of main account to display' of control account to Company(though I have only 1 company other than DAT) with no success).
We are doing it through AIF,the main line coming from XML is creating with default dimensions,but the line which we are creating manually through X++, default dimension are not getting passed while system is trying to post, gives error like '211061-------' is not valid for account structure XXX,another line of error - '211061-------' is not valid for advance rule structure XXX.
I think the same way like Craig,somehow for the automatically created lines account structure is taking priority and not allowing default dimensions to be passed in ledger dimension.(Though I am not functional but may be its a bug of MS, I have tried using axddimensionutil,dimensionstorage,dimensionconversionhelper etc all important main classes of dimension but not able to pass default dimension ,account structure is not allowing this)
Hope anyone can solve this critical issue.....looking for some fruitful reply
Hello - can I get some more information? Did you set up your default accounts and then by chance change the chart of accounts? How did you do this setup?
Regards, Kim
I am facing exactly the same problem as Sandra.
The COA dimension defaulting logic seem to pick up the wrong shared main account from another account structure, causing the error message "Account structure 'other', for the combination 123-x-x is not valud for chart of accounts 'current'
The main account 123-x-x is same and valid combination for both account structure 'other' and 'current'. but the validation failed because the ledger engine pick up main account from 'other' when user are posting in 'current' company.
Anyone could shed some light?
Kim write in her aswer: The reason the defaulting is at that level in AX2012 is that the chart of accounts can be shared across legal entities but you may want to set up the defaulting differently.
My situation: I have 12 companies with 2 charts of accounts. 4 companies shared the same chart of account. Each company have a different financial dimension fixed value for the AP subledger. I did the setup for each company on the main account
My problem: When I post a invoice journal in AP, AX doesn't work with the good account structure. If I try to post the invoice journal in company ABC, I get error this message: Account structure DEF, for the combination 2000-005, is not valid for ledger ABC.
Someone have the same problem?
Thanks you!
I found the solution to my problem. I did not have the financial dimensions on the header of the order. The AR account takes the dimensions from the order header and the sales accounts take the dimensions from the line items. Makes sense.
I have the same problem as Sandra in 2012. The AR account won't take the dimensions from the item or the default dimension on the account.
I have the same problem but the solution (default value in main account form) doesn't work for me. Do you use the account structure? I use the structure account and it seems to have the priority before the default dimension. Right now it works when I create manuel GL entries, but doesn't work for entries created automatically (item group) by posting invoices (AR).
To Sohaib:
• Firstly EDT Dimension (array) is deprecated and replaced with DimensionDefault (Int64 RecId).
• Financial Dimensions master table Dimension is replaced with DimensionAttribute and DimensionValueDetails.
• To store these dimension on your customized table then instead of EDT Dimension one should add DimensionDefault EDT.
• At Form level make use of DimensionDefaultingController class to show the available dimensions.
To Craig:
I have the same problem - any answers out there?
Hello Kim.
I have seen that this is how to apply a default value. However, I am having an issue with my Balance Sheet Accounts. For my creditors control account, I have defaulted in some dimensions.
In my account structure that contains this account, it is set to not allow blanks.
When trying to post a vendor invoice, it tries to post to the creditors control account, but does not apply the default dimensions set on the account, and instead fails saying that invalid combination ------20000 (20000 is the control account).
How can the defaults be used?
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