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Value was either too small or too large for a Decimal

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We are running NAV 2018, Build 29745.

We encountered “Value was either too small or too large for a Decimal” error message when running the Adjust Cost-Item Entries batch job.

After we modified COD 5895 (in procedure AvgValueEntriesToAdjustExist) as modified in cumulative update 19 the problem was not resolved.

Are there other modifications that must be done?

  • Patcharin Profile Picture
    Patcharin on at
    RE: Value was either too small or too large for a Decimal

    Have you found a solution yet? I got an error same as you. help me please.

  • Suggested answer
    Marco Mels Profile Picture
    Marco Mels on at
    RE: Value was either too small or too large for a Decimal


    For that fix it is the only object. Do you have a repro in standard with latest CU or at least CU19? You are running an older build so if you submit a supprort request to MSFT, it will probably the ask to do.


  • Galina Georgieva Profile Picture
    Galina Georgieva 190 on at
    RE: Value was either too small or too large for a Decimal

    We have made the changes in COD 5895 from this update, but the error persists. Are there any other updates regarding this error?

    Or are there any other objects that must be modified?

  • Suggested answer
    Marco Mels Profile Picture
    Marco Mels on at
    RE: Value was either too small or too large for a Decimal


    This is fixed in a later CU:


    "Value was either too small or too large for a Decimal" error message displays when you run the Adjust Cost-Item Entries batch job for an item with the average costing method and transfer entries.


    COD 5895


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